Saturday, February 28, 2015

Silent Film (2/28)

Paloma Cruz

Assignment Due 2/28.

This is my first time watching a silent film, even though it was very difficult for me to understand what was really happening in the film because it had not sound and the only way to catch up a little bit was with the few written parts that were in the film. However, I found it very interesting because like I said it is my first silent film that I watch and it was not that awful like I thought it was going to be. One scene that caught my attention is when Dr. Caligari shows the drawing of Cesare because the drawing of Cesare had a crazy and bizarre look like if the person would be a maniac or someone with mental problems. I think that Dr. Caligari wanted to have someone just as weird as him that’s why he molded Cesare into that creepy person that he was. In my opinion it seems that Cesare was manipulated the whole time by Dr. Caligari. I chose this scene because it kind of relates to the class when we talked about that art is not always about expressing beautiful things it can also be about anything even if is bizarre. The way you can express yourself in art explains why Cesare’s drawing looked so weird because the character was just like that very bizarre.

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