Saturday, February 28, 2015

Silent Film (2/28)

Paloma Cruz

Assignment Due 2/28.

This is my first time watching a silent film, even though it was very difficult for me to understand what was really happening in the film because it had not sound and the only way to catch up a little bit was with the few written parts that were in the film. However, I found it very interesting because like I said it is my first silent film that I watch and it was not that awful like I thought it was going to be. One scene that caught my attention is when Dr. Caligari shows the drawing of Cesare because the drawing of Cesare had a crazy and bizarre look like if the person would be a maniac or someone with mental problems. I think that Dr. Caligari wanted to have someone just as weird as him that’s why he molded Cesare into that creepy person that he was. In my opinion it seems that Cesare was manipulated the whole time by Dr. Caligari. I chose this scene because it kind of relates to the class when we talked about that art is not always about expressing beautiful things it can also be about anything even if is bizarre. The way you can express yourself in art explains why Cesare’s drawing looked so weird because the character was just like that very bizarre.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Assignment 2/21

Paloma Cruz

Assignment Due 2/21


"It is good," he thought, "to get a taste of everything for oneself, which one needs to know. That lust for the world and riches do not belong to the good things, I have already learned as a child. I have known it for a long time, but I have experienced only now. And now I know it, don't just know it in my memory, but in my eyes, in my heart, in my stomach. Good for me, to know this!" Herman Hesse

I think that the meaning of this quote is that in life you need to experience everything on your own. You cannot learn from other people’s experiences even if that means going to really bad things in order to learn. I also think that it means that it's bad to posses richness  in excess and greediness because it brings disharmony and fights for power in the world.
I feel that this passage it’s very important because of my own experience I have not learn through other people’s experiences and I also see this very often with people around me. I also found this quote very interesting because it’s what we’re seeing  in the world; countries fighting for greed, power and wealth. I see it every day on the news how so many people are killed due to the war that they have in those countries.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dada Manifesto (2/14)

Paloma Cruz
LEH 355
“Dada Manifestó”
“I don’t want words other people have invented. All the words are other people’s inventions. I want my own stuff, my own rhythm, and vowels and consonants too, matching the rhythm and all my own.” Hugo Ball
            I think that the meaning of this quote is that it is in order to make a difference and leave your mark in the world you will have to make your presence notice by being authentic, original and different from everyone else. Hugo Ball wanted to be a true leader and he knew that for him to accomplish it he must not use others people’s inventions. Ball clearly points out that he must do something that does not yet exist in the world when he says that he wants his own stuff. I think that the author is saying this because he wanted to show everyone how he perceived the world and it is for sure by being you and not someone else. I choose this quote because I am the type of person who believes in originally and authenticity. By no means have Hugo Ball’s quotes expressed a true meaning of authenticity. This quote did challenge me because it make me realized that being different has more value that being all the same. It made me realized that is good thing to think outside of the box. This quote does relates to a lot of thing that are going on in the present because now days we see more people being challenge into being different and not into being all the same which is a good thing because that makes us as an individuals to work out our creativities and imagination.

"The Scream," Edvard Munch, 1893
Edvard Munch was born December 12, 1863 in Adalsbruck, Norway. He was an artist during the period of the expressionism and symbolism, he died on January 23, 1944 at the age of 80. The scream is one of his most famous paintings which he created four different versions. I think that this paint shows a desperate or scare person which looks kind of lost. What makes me think that its scare or desperate is the way it has its mouth open and holding its face. The painting has a contrast of colors between vivid colors and opaque colors. The theme address here is a theme of horror.

"Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic," Hannah Höch, 1919
Hannah Höch was born Anna Therese Johanne Höch November 1, 1889 in Gotha, Germany. She was an artist during the Dada period the "Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic," was her most famous painting, she passed away on May 31, 1978 at the age of 88. The technique she used was collage. This painting was created after the WWI and it reflects the afterward of the war. You can clearly see in the painting how disorganized and chaotic everything looks meaning how Germany was left after the WWI. 

"The Starry Night," Vincent van Gogh, 1889
Vincent Van Gogh was born March 30, 1853 in Zundert, Netherlands. “The Starry Night” was one of his many famous paintings. He was a painter during the post-impressionism period, he died on July 29, 1890 at the age of 37. This painting was created in June, 1889 and it was painted in an oil canvas. This painting shows a landscape of a town in a dark night filled with stars and the moon. However, the painting looks kind of distortional which it gives the crazy look that it has.